Most cemeteries and crematoria are non-denominational, which means that they are happy to accommodate every style and type of funeral. If you and your family practice a particular faith, you may wish for your own minister to officiate at your loved one’s funeral. You may also think it is important for a religious minister to conduct a funeral, even if you’re not a member of a place of worship. We’re happy to assist with all inquiries.

A life celebrant may be the best option if you and your family would like a completely bespoke service. This focuses on your loved one, but also includes elements from prayers or hymns. An alternative to this is a humanist service, which also focuses entirely on your loved one and their life, yet remains non-religious in content.

If a family member or friend wishes and feels confident enough, there is no reason why you cannot conduct the funeral yourselves. However, as a funeral is such an emotional event, it may be difficult for someone close to carry out the service. We can approach an appropriate minister on your behalf, who will contact you to discuss your needs. Our team liaise with them throughout, which ensures a streamlined service.

Natural Burial

Natural, green, or woodland burial are all terms that describe burial in an area that creates or preserves wildlife and its natural habitat.

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Burials and Cremations

Traditional burials or cremations are either religious or non-religious, and they take place in either a church, another place of worship.

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